Clear SAP Fiori Cache

A step by step guide to clear SAP Fiori Cache.

First a quick introduction to SAP Fiori Caching...

Why does SAP Fiori use caching techniques?
The SAP Fiori is used in consumer devices (Laptops/Tablets/Smartphones) where the UI/UX standards are very high.  It has a modern User Interface build on SAPUI5, and for performance SAP Fiori is using heavily caching techniques, in order to be as fast as possible to end users.

Set a custom theme as default in SAP Fiori launchpad

How to set a custom theme as the default theme in SAP Fiori launchpad in 5 steps.

Step 1: Rebuild the custom theme

Access your theme designer in the SAP Gateway URL. The URL is:
https://<Your GW Server Host:port>/sap/bc/theming/theme-designer/
Select the custom theme and click rebuild.